Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Thanks of Health
I'm going to fall into line for the Thanksgiving holiday and review blessings received. I've discussed in several earlier posts about the journey I've overcome with my health and the ongoing issues that plague my days and the countless blessings I've received to endure. So I'm not going to go over those yet again.
What I am going to do though is encourage you to remember your own blessings, your own journey and struggles.
Every day is a new day and no matter what your previous days have been like, it doesn't mean that the future days will be same. That's true for good and bad days. We never know what will happen, we can only prepare ourselves for the best and the worst. Through our actions to do the best we can with any given situation and complete precautionary steps to prepare and prevent, we are most apt to deal with any event. We can't just sit back and expect something to happen or to change, we must make the change ourselves. It is not fair or right to expect anyone else to make the change for us. Like so many things, it starts from within ourselves and with us.
Whether you're struggling with finances, coping, or physical health - none of it will change on it's own. You must take a step to force the change process forward. Ask for assistance, information, support and rediscover your own strength and resourcefulness. Support networks are there for individuals to provide support and encouragement, not to take over one's life.
Now I realize this probably sounds like a subconscious rant or scolding, but that's not my intent. Looking back through my experiences, I'm very thankful for those that helped guide me on my journey, who encouraged me to take that next step and I'm grateful that these individuals didn't enable me to give up on directing my own life.
Every struggle is an opportunity for something to change, recognize this and make every attempt to discover what changes can be made to improve the situation and you will glad for it later on. Life is many times a trial and error experience, we must adapt and change in order to stay in the game. We've evolved this way and because of it, we can do just that.
When you meet your next struggle, take a deep breath and calm yourself so that you may re-examine it through a clearer view and mind. Remember your support network and your own inner strength, this combination is very powerful to enable the adaptation and growth for survival.
And that is something to be very grateful for in life.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Complicated Symptoms
I'm not sure if it's just my perception of my health or if it's actual reality but I view my health symptoms as a product of complications that originally started with FAP, not as symptoms of FAP. In the beginning, I explained what FAP is and my experience in general of FAP. Allow me to clarify how I classify the symptoms from FAP and complications. The cancerous polyps and the resulting surgeries were because of FAP, but the complications from surgeries were not because of FAP. I don't view my bowel issues as a problem because of my FAP but instead it's a result of complications from surgeries that I initially had because of FAP. If I had not had surgery complications, I very likely wouldn't have the SBS. So although it is a distant effect of FAP, it is not directly caused by FAP.
Because of this distinction I become ever so slightly vexed when I'm asked if such and such issue is because of my FAP. I suppose you could technically consider symptoms as such, but I don't and I'm not going to blame things on FAP disease that aren't directly caused by it. Doing so is like milking the disease and falsifying information. FAP sucks and is a horrible disease, but by itself it isn't necessarily such a god awful disease. Yea you're guaranteed to develop cancer at some point, but caught early enough is easily treated and likely will only require surgery as treatment option. I view desmoid tumors, although benign, as the 2nd worst symptom or effect of FAP because of the effects on other body parts and organs, especially if the tumors are inoperable.
I don't know why I'm touchy about this, but for whatever reason it irritates me and I prefer the distinction to be acknowledged. To me, it's a simple distinction that doesn't need to be muddied or misidentified. That doesn't help matters, it doesn't help the public understanding of FAP and it doesn't help the individual with FAP. FAP isn't a well known disease, it's a rare disease and the majority of people have never heard of it. Misguided information won't raise awareness, just myths.
Awareness is important for public knowledge, higher rates of screenings to detect cancer early, and increased funding for research of the genetics, treatments and cures. There isn't a whole lot known about FAP in comparison to non-rare diseases and there isn't very much research on FAP. If we want this to change, we're going to have to work together to increase educated awareness and provide valid reasoning for research.

Sunday, October 14, 2012
Death Warp
In an earlier post I wrote about how chronic life threatening illness warps your mind and I started thinking about how else my mind has been warped over the years. It brought me back to an earlier realization that my warped mind has re-warped itself in the aspect of accepting death since I've married. Prior to marriage, I would have been fine dying any day, any time and wouldn't have thought much about it. I had decided if I were to develop cancer again that I wouldn't undergo any treatment again. This may sound as though I had given up on life or was extremely depressed. I had just accepted the inevitable that I cheated years before.
But something happened, I found my soul mate and yet again some of my life views changed, contrary to what my life views had been for so many years. Life with my husband has provided new hope and new dreams for the future which in turn has led to altered life views. Although I am still adamant about being the first to die within my immediate family, I am not as ready to die as quickly as before. I believe if I were diagnosed with cancer again that I'd agree to undergo treatment, although I may not complete the treatment depending on the quality of life. I still don't believe I'd agree to aggressive treatment for any disease until the absolute end. At some point, I believe I'd defer to palliative care once the quality of life began to become unbearable. I acknowledge that of course, one can't truly know what one would decide to do until faced with such decisions. Especially as times have changed and new hope is given.
My views have changed even to the point that if I were to outlive my husband (absolutely fearful of this occurring) and we have children that I would try to continue life for our children, who hopefully would be adult children at that point if such a horrific tragedy should occur.
Even though I have new hope and dreams for our future, such life view alterations instills more fear as I may decide to fight off death longer than previously believed. The increased fear resides in the ever flowing fear of not being the first to die in my immediate family. I do not want to outlive my parents, and especially my husband. Life has been very hard for me and is quite terrifying to me. These 3 individuals are my rock, my salvation and the thought of losing even one of these most dear persons floods my heart and soul with horrified pain.
To further complicate such life decisions, I am now an adult with the decision making ability over my own life whereas as a child, when my health was at its worst, my parents made these decisions for me and I was not to question or object to their decisions or the treatments or procedures. I have more strength in my own decisions now and perhaps as a measure of rebellion or a statement of mere exhaustion, am defiant to recommended procedures or tests and if needed, may even be defiant to treatments.
Even with these life changes, I hope for the simple solutions so that I will never have to face such decisions and I will go peacefully in my sleep one night before the rest in my immediate family.
As always, we are left with only hopes in the end. Whatever our choices, some things in life are simply out of our control and we must take the best course we believe through life and hope for the best.

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Happy WOD!
Today is World Ostomy Day to raise awareness of ostomies, bladder and bowel disorders or dysfunction. So happy World Ostomy Day!
There are so many new groups that have come together since I was a child. When I was 9, I knew 2 others with ostomies. My parents started taking me to the local ostomy support group to try to help me cope with all I'd gone through that year. I was the only young person and was absolutely the only child that attended the support group meetings. At age 11 I went to the youth rally and for the first time met other children with ostomies and similar health issues. It was absolutely amazing and helpful, I enjoyed being a camper until I was age 17. I attended the local support group meetings periodically until the support group was disbanded last year and attended several years of the UOAA and YODAA conferences and enjoy the UOAA discussion boards as well.
For years these were the only support resources available. Over the last couple of years various additional awareness campaigns and groups have started as social media has increased allowing for widespread information, advocacy and support with fewer obstacles. With all the access to others with similar experiences, you never know you can reach out to or who will reach out to you. These are amazing developments with powerful results. World Ostomy Day is another part of this new era of ostomy awareness and every new way to raise awareness is important, to think outside of the box is essential as the world and the way the world communicates changes.
What are some of your favorite ways to raise awareness and celebrate life?

Thursday, September 27, 2012
Medical Angels and Demons
I had another routine follow up with GI doctor this week and had great results. I've been taking my B12 regularly for 3-4 weeks now and my B12 jumped from 400's to 800's! It's in the top third of the normal range, I'm not sure I've ever had such a high B12. Course, I don't really notice any difference when my B12 or hemoglobin is low, it all feels the same to me. While visiting with my doctor during my appointment, we started talking about that 1st year of surgeries and previous and future doctors. In my last post I shared about my experiences with my 1st surgeon and the treachery that accompianed him. During my appointment I learned some new information that I didn't remember or know about the medical demons that continue to haunt me. My second complication from my 1st surgery, when I went to the ER for stomach pain that actually was caused by my intestine twisting around itself and surrounding organs my surgeon was actually out of town and it was the 3 residents alone that decided that nothing was wrong with me and told me and my parents that I was merely a "whiny child". This doesn't change any of my thoughts or feelings regarding my 1st surgeon but it reinforced my contempt for the 3 residents. It is because of these residents that I don't trust any resident. To add insult to injury, when I returned again to the ER after that incident and adequate testing was completed to discover the cortortion and emergency surgery was required as it was a miracle I hadn't died during the night from the lack of blood flow. The residents were aware of all this and no statement to my parents was made, no apology that it had led to near death and could have been prevented, no indication at all that these residents had any compassion or understanding for what I had gone through under their care. If they had completed a thorough assessment and testing the 1st time, my complications may never have progressed to such lengths and my years of pain may have been avoidable. But I will never know. My conversation with my doctor reminded me that although I am safe from my 1st surgeon, I don't recall the names of those 3 residents and am at risk of accidently becoming one of their patients without properly protecting myself by being able to recognize their names. So I am requesting my medical records so that I may discover their names and avoid them for my life.
Just as these individuals have allowed and created lifelong anguish and mistrust in medical providers for me, there are a few medical providers whom I deeply trust and respect. I do not easily trust medical providers and this last year I realized that this mistrust and apprehension about new providers has generalized even to dentists. I trust one hospital and a handful of doctors, these are my medical angels.
My GI doctor, who I have known since I was 8, means the world to me. I feel safe under her guidance, she is compassionate, understanding, and extremely knowledgeable and in fact is one of the top pediatric GI doctors in the state. She was the only female in her medical program and she is near 90 now. In the summers she invites me over for swimming and figs from her trees. She is protective over me and goes to great lengths to protect my physical and mental safety, which is why she continues to follow me when I am almost 30. She has promised if and when I am forced to become followed by another GI, she will thoroughly brief the my new doctor about my history, present, medical and psychological needs. Whenever she requested for another doctor to perform testing, she has physically been in the room to oversee the testing and provide me peace of mind as I know that if she is present, she will oversee my care and protect me from harm. She is very dear to my heart and I trust no other doctor like I trust her. There really aren't enough words to describe how much she means to me, how much I respect and trust her, and all the care she provides me.
My 2nd surgeon was an incredible surgeon. My only sadness is that he is a pediatric only surgeon and he won't be able to perform any future surgeries I should need. He has phenomenal medical skills and outstanding compassion for his patients. He understood my fears, my mistrust, my fragile psyche and he gave me hope and support. He was patient with me and also took great lengths to ensure my comfort. He was the surgeon that performed my last 2 surgeries. After my last surgery, I asked him if he could "knock me out" by ordering me Finnegan to be given when my NG tube was to be removed. I had undergone such pain and misery that year from extensive, unceasing medical tests and procedures, hospitalizations, symptoms and near death. I was on the edge, mentally exhausted from it all and not having to endure the pain of the NG tube removal would help to ease my mind and my body. He told me "I'll order you something better". And he did. The only problem was, the nurses didn't give me the medicine. I told them I needed the medicine my surgeon ordered, the nurses told me that there wasn't anything ordered to "knock me out" and I either could have the tube pulled then or wait until they could get an order, which they said would take several hours. I was so angry. I hated my surgeon in that moment. The words that he didn't order me any such medicine burned in my ears, stabbed my heart, and wrenched my soul. I trusted this surgeon for almost 2 years, I believed him when he told me something. He betrayed me, knowing the betrayals I suffered from my 1st surgeon and his crackerjack team. How dare he! I agreed to let the nurses remove my NG tube without any medicine. As every time in the past, the NG tube made my esophagus, throat, and nose raw with pain and I cried and screamed from it all. Once the tube was removed, I thrashed in my hospital bed for hours. I was overcome with anger, hate, pain and I couldn't stop the screaming, the words I yelled at my surgeon, willing him to hear me, the uncontrolled sobbing that went on for hours until I finally collapsed from pure exhaustion and a pained body from it all. My mind could not respond any other way. My mother tried to comfort me. I couldn't be comforted, the man I thought was my hero surgeon had lied to me and betrayed me. Oh the psychological harm it had done to me. He LIED to me!
The next morning my surgeon visited me. I told him I hated him, he betrayed my trust, he knew all I had endured as a child. He listened to my rant and didn't say anything until I was done. He apologized to me. He explained that he had ordered the medicine but the hospital pharmacy didn't carry the medicine and he wasn't informed so until after the NG tube was removed and the nurses told him how distraught I had been. He explained that if he had known the pharmacy wouldn't fill the medicine he ordered, he would have ordered something else. He explained this quietly and kindly, not a hint of defensiveness in his tone or body. He didn't lie to me, he had tried, he cared. My heart sank with this new information, I had genuinely hated him without real cause. Instantly my mind was began to repair itself from the previous day's anguish and became stronger again knowing that I could still trust this surgeon, I hadn't been betrayed.
There aren't many doctors that will listen to a patient release their emotions and kindly apologize and explain the mishap without defensiveness or blaming the patient but instead continue to provide compassionate understanding.
My anaesthesiologist in high school was also so kindhearted. My GI doctor knew how safe I felt this this anaesthesiologist that whenever I had to have a medical procedure or surgery that required anaesthesia, she scheduled my procedures for when he could care for me. To this day, she offers to do the same for any procedures I have to undergo. Another example of just how amazing my GI doctor is! My anaesthesiologist is a very funny man and uses his humor to help relax his patients, distract them from the procedure they're about to undergo and carefully monitors them. He knew about my difficulty with local sedation, that I've become immune to locals and require general anaesthesia and my fear of waking up again during any procedure. He provided reassurance that he would not let me wake up during a procedure and made certain I was comfortable as I could. I am forever grateful for his care, as every little bit helps to reduce the agony that medical issues brings.
My gynecologist is another medical angel. I didn't like my previous gynecologist, I never felt comfortable with her and questioned her competence. Early on I knew I didn't want to have any children myself, I knew I wasn't meant to become pregnant or give birth and with good reason. There are so many risks for someone with such abdominal trauma to undergo pregnancy and childbirth. The intestine can wrap around the uterus, the intestine can rupture, can't take the medications that are so necessary for daily functioning just to name a few. I knew in my heart of hearts that if I were to become pregnant, I would most likely die and if I didn't, I would wish I had. Mentally and physically, I wouldn't be able to take the pain and the threat of such risks. I definitely wouldn't be able to take it if the threats became reality. After my last surgery, I decided that if I ever had to have surgery again that I would opt to have my tubes tied at the same time. I wouldn't choose to have the surgery by itself because I had already gone through enough surgeries and didn't want to go through another one. But if I was having another surgery anyway, I might as well have this one at the same time. In graduate school I found out about the Essure Procedure and this is what I had been waiting for all my life. You can read more about it at the website, but basically it is an outpatient procedure and tiny metal coils are inserted into each fallopian tube. Anaesthesia isn't required although you are given a light sedative, a relaxer and pain pill as the cervix has to be opened. After about 6 months, scar tissue builds around the coils to permanently block the fallopian tubes thereby preventing pregnancy forever! I researched the procedure, the results, the risks and felt confident this was a great option for me. I searched for a local Essure trained doctor. I had little hope that there actually would be a doctor in my area but there was! I called that day to schedule my appointment. I was only 23 and knew that some doctors would refuse to perform a sterilization procedure for someone so young who hadn't even had any children yet. Realizing the potential obstacle, I had my speech prepared, more like my plea, on why I wanted the essure procedure and why the doctor should perform it for me. When I arrived at the office, I felt like I had chosen the doctor well. She voiced her concerns about my possible regret and I pled my case. She was very understanding and realizing my commitment to not becoming pregnant, agreed to perform the procedure for me.
I met my now husband a month and a half before my sterilization procedure. After 2-3 weeks of dating, I told him what I was about to embark on and I told him that he needed to decide if he wanted to stay or if he needed to exit because I wasn't changing my mind for anyone or anything. Without hesitation, he told me he was staying and would support me in whatever health decisions I made for myself. This said a lot to me about my now husband's respect for others and respect for women's healthcare.
My gynecologist and her clinical staff were very understanding about my medical history, my anxiety and fear of any pain and the trauma I've endured and were thus extremely supportive and eager to provide me reassurance and to reduce my anxiety. The procedure was very painful, although it wasn't the worst pain I had ever experienced and I was determined to make it through to the end of the procedure.
I thought I would have fertility issues even if I did want to become pregnant because I've had health complications that increase infertility, all the adhesions in my abdomen and pelvis, fluid in my fallopian tubes (my medical team never could find out what was going on here), I had a fistula on my tube or something similar. My gut instinct was right, one of my fallopian tubes was blocked shut!
After my procedure, I decided to become a permanent patient of this gynecologist and I've never regretted it. She understands the GI issues I have and how they relate to my reproductive system and supports my healthcare choices. I actually look forward to my annual exam with her as my doctor!
Even though there are medical providers whose incompetence have permanently scarred my psyche and risked my life, there are also providers who have my best interest at heart and make every effort to protect my health and safety. It is because of these medical angels that I'm doing as well as I am today.
What are your experiences with medical angels and demons?
Medical Providers,

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